To Tweet or Not to Tweet? You should Tweet. Setting up your Business Twitter Account

Here’s a little step-by-step tutorial on how to set up your twitter account for business.

Go to

On the homepage of Twitter, you will be asked to sign up:Welcome to Twitter - Sign Up

In the bottom right corner, enter your company name and main contact email and password to sign up.

Twitter Sign Up

Depending on your history, you may be taken to a preview screen.  Go through the tutorial – it’s very helpful if you’ve never used Twitter.

Welcome to Twitter - tutorial

You will have to search for and follow 5 people on Twitter to build your timeline.

Choose 5 People to Follow on Twitter

Then you’ll have to find 5 more:

Follow 5 More on Twitter

Then you will be taken to a screen to add people from your contacts.  You can complete this step, or click ‘Skip’ at the bottom of the box:

Find people you know to add to Twitter

Now you will be asked to complete your bio.  Add a photo (in this case a logo) and fill out your relevant bio information in less than 160 characters.  You can always modify this later.

Twitter Bio

And click ‘Done’.  You will have to confirm your email address to access all of Twitter’s features, but that’s it!

Follow Twitter

Happy Marketing!

Dave Burnett

Click Here to Connect with Dave on Google+: